Finance Aesthetics

Finance Aesthetics

A Critical Glossary

Goldsmiths Press / MIT Press
Paperback, 248pp.

Goldsmith Press’s PERC series seeks to refresh political economy, in the original sense of the term, as a pluralist and critical approach to the study of capitalism. In doing so it challenges the sense of economics as a discipline, separate from the other social sciences, aiming instead to combine economic knowledge with various other disciplinary approaches.

The cover design connects the volatility of economic systems with the social unrest that leads to street riots and broken shop windows.

Cover design Heather Ryerson
Publishing Consultant Susan Kelly
Series Editor William Davies
Series PERC Papers
Editors Torsten Andreasen, Emma Sofie Brogaard, Mikkel Krause Frantzen, Nicholas Alan Huber, Frederik Tygstrup

# cover design

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